2、In childhood, only when the memory is perfect, can it be revealed.
3、Of all, children have the most imagination.
4、The world is not a prison, but an empty children's paradise, in which millions of ignorant children mistakenly put the name of God with blocks.
5、Everyone who is committed to education should tolerate the weakness of children.
8、It doesn't matter whether a child has ambitions or not, but adults should not be ambitious.
10、I think that even a sage and a hero need not be ashamed of his childhood. It is a mistake to be ashamed of himself.
12、Oh, happy age, who would refuse to experience childhood again.
13、If my childhood can come back again, I will not waste my time any more. I will spend every minute reading!
14、Credulity is the weakness of adults, but the strength of children.
19、Even the best children, if they live in a poorly organized group, quickly become a pack of small beasts.
20、Childhood day by day, warm and slow, just like the old cotton shoes, Pink Velvet inside the sun.
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