The Internet ha brought ignificant change to our live in recent year. However, there remain ome diagreement a to whether the overall effect of thi technology ha been p
oitive or negative. While there are certainly valid argument to the contrary, I peronally believe that the benefit of the Internet far outweigh it drawback and thee benefit are twofold.
Firt of all, it i an indiputable fact that the Internet ha revolutionized the way we communicate. Depite the rik of ocial iolation-a problem occaionally een in people who pend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world-mot of u have benefited greatly from e-mail and Internet chat program like MSN Meenger. Thee incredibly ueful and powerful tool of communication facilitate both contact with loved one in faraway place and global trade.
Moreover, the Internet ha placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertip. In earlier time, conducting reearch entailed long hour earching library helve. Now, however, the ame information can be acceed at the click of a button. Admittedly, not all of the information available on the Internet i reliable or helpful-there i a vat amount of material online that ome would conider offenive or dangerou, ranging from pornography to intruction on how to make bomb. Nonethele, I would contend that thi free flow of information ha generally been a very poitive development.
By way of concluion, I once again reaffirm my poition that the Internet ha had a poitive impact on modern life becaue of it influence on communication and the flow of information.
Internet play a very important role in everybody' life, It ha made a huge difference in the world, But the Internet ha ome advantage and diadvantage.
Firt of all, The World Wide Web contain huge amount of information. It i extenive, relatively eay to acce, And provide virtually unlimited information. If we need ome information, We can acquire information online. The Web provide u an excellent reource to gain knowledge, From thi way we can gain current information we need it now.
Online education i very important in our life, It can give u excellent ource of information, ave our time, money and it i extremely convenient. In addition, we alo can exchange thought, opinion and information with our clamate without leaving our houe. Sometime, If we feel very treed and depreed, We can liten to ong, In order to have a well-balanced life.
But the Internet alo ha ome harmful. Somebody indulge in the network game. They tanding in the internet bar day and night ,At the end they leave uncultivated the tudie.
Overall, Internet ha become an ineparable part of our life. Only when we can make it erve our need. Can we benefit mot from it. So, pleae ue the Internet in a proper way.
In modern time,the Internet i becoming more and more popular,epecially,for the middle chool tudent.Some tudent think it i good for them to get the ueful imformation and tudy on the Internet.Beide, they can know about the latet new,widen their field of viion,and gain their knowledge.
On the other hand,ome tudent chat, paly computer game even can the bad network raher than tudy.Meanwhile,a long-time earching on the internet make their health badly.
In my opinion,every coin ha two ide,that i to ay ,one i bad ,the other one i good.
So I think combining the entertainment with the tudy i the bet.
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