Online coure, a a new teaching method baed on computer and Internet,allow teacher to give clae from a ditance away.It i becoming more than popular in college and univeritie,and act a an effective complement to traditional teaching.
However, opinion on it differ from teacher to tudent.Generally, teacher upport it for
two reaon: Firtly, online coure can be conducted at home or office and thi offer great convenience to teacher.Secondly, online coure releae teacher from repeating the ame content ince the video or audio material can be played time and again.
However, many tudent have oppoite tandpoint: In the firt place, with online coure, they lack face-to-face communication with teacher and their confuion cannot be olved intantly.In addition, the computer ytem cannot be guaranteed to work tably all the time.What’ more, they do not have 100 percent confidence in their elf-dicipline without teacher being around to upervie.
Peronally, with the college tudent growing up, if the traditional teaching method and the modern one like on-line coure can be combined together, more fruitful education i ure to be realized.
Nowaday, college tudent are required to take part in ome ocial practice, uch a being an aitant in companie, or doing urvey, epecially during the holiday. Social practice i gradually becoming more eential for China’ higher education. However, ocial practice ha both advantage and diadvantage for college tudent.
On the one hand, it provide tudent more opportunitie to contact with the real world off-campu;Beide, it help tudent to grap ome practical kill, epecially communication kill, which i an eential upplement to on-campu tudy; Moreover, ocial practice can widen tudent’ viion. On the other hand, the negative effect can not be neglected: tudent’ major tak i learning knowledge, while curioity about off-campu world may ditract them; Sometime ocial practice i even treated uneriouly and become a wate of time;Furthermore, the tudent may be faced with danger unexpectedly.
Depite the potential negative effect of ocial practice, I h2ly upport ocial practice for college tudent, ince a a whole,the benefit overwhelm the likely harm. Two head are better than one, if tudent, chool, and the ociety join hand together, ocial practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed tudent for the ociety can be expected.
On Volunteer
In recent year, the volunteering pirit ha pread widely among the public, epecially among youngter. From Olympic Game to urban communitie, many people are een to offer free help.
Volunteering i of tremendou benefit to thoe in need. For example, hundred of thouand of volunteer played an active role in the recent quake-hit Yuhu area: they offered medical and pychological aid to the victim in the relief work. On the other hand, volunteering i beneficial to the volunteer themelve too. Involved in volunteering activitie, people are expoed to new circumtancej and they can learn how to work well in a team and how to improve their interperonal kill, all of which are critical for their career development.
In my view, we hould all join in volunteering work a long a we have pare time. That doen’t necearily mean that we all volunteer in region truck by natural diater. There are many people eie who need our help, i.e. the old or the ick in the near nuring home. Little by EittJe, we are ure to help make the world better.
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