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2024-12-31 04:50 来源:去兔网 点击:


大芦花风景区位于辽宁省北镇市鲍家乡桃园村境内,南距著名的青岩寺风景区8公里,北距大观音阁风景区20公里。风景区坐落医巫闾山中南部。素以山势险峻石耸峰峭,芦苇丛生到秋季芦花飘扬而闻名。大芦花主峰海拔630.1米,整个山峰如同一块巨大的灵石直插云霄,气势磅礴。据考古,两亿多年前,大芦花风景区曾是一望无际的汪洋大海,由于地球板块运动,亚洲板块抬高, 现成为波涛远去的退海之地,留下漫山遍野芦苇,每到深秋季节,芦花漫舞,景色怡人。大芦花因此而得名。

Enter the Big Luhua Scenic Spot

Big Luhua Scenic Spot is located in Taoyuan Village, Bao Hometown, Beizhen City, Liaoning Province. It is 8 kilometers to the south from the famous Qingyan Temple Scenic Spot and 20 kilometers to the north from the Great Guanyin Pavilion Scenic Spot. Scenic area is located in the south of the mountain. It is famous for its steep mountains and steep rocks, and its reeds and reeds flapping in autumn. The main peak of Da Luhua is 630.1 meters above sea level, and the whole mountain is like a huge Lingshi straight into the sky, with great momentum. According to archaeology, more than 200 million years ago, Luhua Scenic Spot used to be a boundless ocean. Due to the movement of the earth plate, the Asian plate lifted up, and now it has become a retreat of the sea where the waves have gone away, leaving the mountains and fields covered with reeds. In late autumn, the scenery is beautiful with the dancing of the reed flowers. So the big reed flower gets its name.