关于英语作文范文:Introduction of myself
关于英语作文范文:Introduction of myself
初一英语作文范文:Introduction of myelf
Hello, everyone. My name i Kelly. I am friendly and honet.I am good at Englih and math. I like urfing the internet,playing computer game, watching TV and traveling. I alo like playing table tenni and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tenni with my friend on weekend. And I want to be a famou table tenni player when I grow up. What I like mot i to ee the eagull flying freely in the ky o I often go to the ea in ummer. My favourite colour i white becaue I think white i ymbolize purity.
Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellow. My name i Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 year old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle chool, which i one of the bet middle chool in my city. It campu i a beautiful a our. My favorite ubject i math, becaue it’ a complicated ubject that drive a lot of tudent crazy. But I am a tudent who like challenge and I can feel great achievement when I olve a math problem. Beide, I like variou extra curricular activitie, becaue they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, tudy i jut a part of our life, o that we hould not be contrained by it. The mot important i that I am happy to be a clamate of you. I hope we can tudy a well a play together.
优秀高中英语作文:Film Introduction
TheGrand Mater i a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famou director Karwai Wong,repreenting the legend life of Kung Fu mater, Ye Wen. The movie tar frommainland and Hong Kong co-tar in thi film, attracting many movie fan’attraction. Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading role. The moviefocue on the legend torie of mutual martial art during the Republic ofChina. In order to truly how the move and pirit of the four Kung Fubranche, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagram, Bachi and Ying Yie, the directorKarwai Wong collected a large amount of preciou material in the period ofRepublic of China, viited more than one hundred decendant acro the countryin three year. Beide, the leading role went to learn Kung Fu for manyyear. A a reult, we can enjoy a beautifully produced and fantatic Kung Fumovie. I watched it in the cinema, feeling it’ o great that I couldn’tdecribe it in language. I deperately love thi film.
Hi!I am a happy and quiet girl.I am from Chin.I am twelve year old,I am a pupil,I am in Cla Three Gread Four.I many good friend.I like many pet,the peacock panda rabbit and bird,they are lovely.I am tall ,I have around face,thee are big eye mall mouth mall noe on my face.I have a black long hair.I like eatting apple banana eggpiant chicken and...I like muic ing run pinting...I often aying: book i my good frieng,I like it!Whate am I?Ye,my name i Lv Enhui.
Do you like me?
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